Collection Detail

Seismic stratigraphy

Pengarang : Charles E. [ed.] Payton
Penerbit : Tulsa, Oklahoma : The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1977
Halaman / Ilus. & Biblio. : vii, 516 p / Bibl.; Graph.; Ill.; Ind
ISBN : 0-89181-302-0
Edisi :
Editor :
Badan Korporasi : -
Seri / Volume / Jilid : / /
Supplemen :
Jumlah Dipinjam : 40
No. No. Barcode No. Panggil Status Note Location
1. 71208 622.19 Pay s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3 - - - -
2. 71209 622.19 Pay s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3 - - - -
3. 71210 622.19 Pay s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3 - - - -
4. 7630 622.19 Pay s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3 - - - -
5. 7800 622.19 Pay s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3 - - - -
6. 7993 622.19 Pay s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3 - - - -

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