Collection Detail

Schaums outline of theory and problems of mathematics of finance

Pengarang : Frank Ayres
Penerbit : Singapore : Mc Graw Hill, 1983
Halaman / Ilus. & Biblio. : vi, 230p. / Ind,; Tab
ISBN : 0-07-099068-9
Edisi :
Editor :
Badan Korporasi : -
Seri / Volume / Jilid : / /
Supplemen :
Jumlah Dipinjam : 0
No. No. Barcode No. Panggil Status Note Location
1. 1064 650.015 Ayr s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3
2. 1096 650.015 Ayr s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3
3. 830 650.015 Ayr s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3
4. 861 650.015 Ayr s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3
5. 930 650.015 Ayr s Tersedia Universitas Trisakti - Kampus A - Gedung Syarief Thayeb (M) - Lantai 3

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